Astrological Cards Glyfada Athens - MITSAKOU KYRIAKI - Telephone Predictions Glyfada Athens - Astrologer - Futurist - Paper divination - Tarot - Coffee shop Glyfada Athens

Astrological Cards Glyfada Athens - MITSAKOU KYRIAKI - Telephone Predictions Glyfada Athens - Astrologer - Futurist - Paper divination - Tarot - Coffee shop Glyfada Athens

5155 Visitors:
Address: Chios 22
Area: Glifada
Telephone: 2109629535
Mobile: 6972409080, 6976037008
P.C.: 16561
Category: MEDIUMS
Fax: -
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
MITSAKOU KYRIAKI Astrologer - Futurist Glyfada Athens 30 years of experience astrologer - futurist. paper magic, tarot, coffee magic, crystal magic, past - future with precision, resolution of negative influences, reconnection of people, solution to professional, financial, emotional, coffee magic - paper magic (with 3 decks). Miraculous amulets on a magnetic level. Dream guarantee-dream analysis. Telephone forecasts: € 30.00 The appointment: 50.00 € Contact the astrologe...
5155 Visitors:

Chios 22, Glifada

5155 Visitors:

Astrologer - Futurist Glyfada Athens

30 years of experience astrologer - futurist. paper magic, tarot, coffee magic, crystal magic, past - future with precision, resolution of negative influences, reconnection of people, solution to professional, financial, emotional, coffee magic - paper magic (with 3 decks).

Miraculous amulets on a magnetic level. Dream guarantee-dream analysis.
Telephone forecasts: € 30.00
The appointment: 50.00 €

Contact the astrologer - futurist in Glyfada to book your appointment.


Astrological Cards Glyfada Athens - MITSAKOU KYRIAKI - Telephone Predictions Glyfada Athens - Astrologer - Futurist - Paper divination - Tarot - Coffee shop Glyfada Athens Paper magic
Astrological Cards Glyfada Athens - MITSAKOU KYRIAKI - Telephone Predictions Glyfada Athens - Astrologer - Futurist - Paper divination - Tarot - Coffee shop Glyfada Athens Tarot
Astrological Cards Glyfada Athens - MITSAKOU KYRIAKI - Telephone Predictions Glyfada Athens - Astrologer - Futurist - Paper divination - Tarot - Coffee shop Glyfada Athens Coffee shop
Astrological Cards Glyfada Athens - MITSAKOU KYRIAKI - Telephone Predictions Glyfada Athens - Astrologer - Futurist - Paper divination - Tarot - Coffee shop Glyfada Athens Crystal gazing
5155 Visitors:

Chios 22

Telephone: 2109629535
Mobile: 6972409080, 6976037008

Working Hours
